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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Windows 11: Change boot logo follow-up

Fix for missing A: drive during HackBGRT image replacement

This post is a follow-up for the original post that I made, that you can find here. I had just downloaded HackBGRT again after the computer had been trying out different OS:es and had a complete reformatting of the harddrive. This time the changing of the boot logo would not work because I experienced issues during the replacement of the image itself.

When the cmd window that HackBGRT opens up you eventually should be able to see the A: drive using the file explorer from Paints "open file" function. On my computer this time the A: drive would not show up. This post is simply a quick description of how I could work around it.

1. First I ran the script like normal, but I couldn't find the A: drive so I just saved the image over the default image that HackBGRT comes with. Then I exited the script and rebooted, it had at least updated the attached image but not my image. This means that the script is working.

2. I saved my image in a location that was easy to access.

3. Open PowerShell as admin and entered the following commands:
sel disk 0
list part
sel part 0 (or whatever number corresponds to your EFI drive)
assign letter=A

4. Still in admin PowerShell I entered the following code to copy the image and overwrite the one in A:
Copy-Item -Path C:\temp\splash.bmp -Destination A:\EFI\HackBGRT\ -Force

5. Reboot the computer and see if the logo has changed.

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